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Frelinghuysen Morris
House & Studio
92 Hawthorne St.
Lenox, MA 01240


Visit the home of American Abstract Artists George L.K. Morris and Suzy Frelinghuysen, set on a 46-acre estate in the heart of Lenox, Massachusetts. View their paintings, frescoes, and sculpture; experience their exquisite collection of American and European Cubist Art.

ALERT! Do NOT use Apple Maps to get here, Use GOOGLE Maps

Do NOT use Apple Maps for directions, they bring you to the wrong location down the street.

We have placed a sign there directing you to our location.

Until it is resolved, please use GOOGLE MAPS.

Mixed-media wearable sculpture with Deborah Carter this Friday, July 26th@11am

Deborah Carter is a multi-media artist who creates upcycled, one of a kind apparel from post-consumer waste. Food packaging, wine corks, cardboard, grocery bags, fabric and discarded items of all kinds become colorful, sustainable high fashion.  Come join the fun as she creates!

Opening for the Season June 20th

We open June 20th with an exciting discovery of Morris’ artwork displayed in the Studio. It is a work on paper commissioned by General Electric in 1940 in an innovative ad campaign using well-known contemporary artists to promote the company’s new line of refrigerators.  Additionally, the Studio exhibits a view of George & Suzy’s individual paths to artistic expression and how their collection of Cubist masters instructed their art.  Audio clips of George’s voice as he recounts his life’s journey are available thanks to a digitized 1968 oral interview from the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art.

Director and nephew Kinney Frelinghuysen will highlight paintings on view and from the Collection in Director’s Corner, a short conversation held Thursdays and Saturdays at 11:15am. Exercise Your Creativity  every Sunday from 11 to 1 pm. It will be a chance to relax and create art with no rules and no judgement. Some examples and materials will be supplied.Painting demonstrations by professional artists of all genres each Friday @ 11am on the grounds.

Suzy Frelinghuysen was an abstract artist & opera singer--An $18,000 grant aims to use her artwork to create school math lessons

"The Frelinghuysen Morris House & Studio has been awarded $18,000 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Dorothy C. Radgowski Learning Through Women’s Achievement in the Arts grant program to develop "Suzy's Palette: Exploring Abstract Color Relationships with Personal and Mathematical Insights" with local educators.

Frelinghuysen Morris House & Studio staff will develop the lesson plan with local educators, who will meet at the historic house and studio on Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m., beginning July 6.Interested teachers, parents and children (K-5) are encouraged to participate by signing up to attend or help create the programming by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."

See the newest episode of our video series Abstract Therapy

Abstract Therapy brings complex topics surrounding modern art and artists to an easy-to-understand format. In this fourth installment, The Still Life as a Springboard,  we uncover the connection modern painters have with the traditional still life, and why they used it as a frequent subject matter in their works. We are featuring paintings and films from the Frelinghuysen Morris House & Studio. Follow us on Instagram and let us know what you think in the comment section.